Providing Professional Services
to the Law Enforcement
Community since 1997

This is our Topic Based Listing.
Click Here for our Alphabetical Listing

Canine Operations and Animal Control

Canine Bites and the Necessity of Policy - Robert Clark

Drug Operations & Informant Management

Entrapment Problems in Handling Informants - Robert Thetford

Informant Liability Issues - Robert Thetford

Corrections, Probation, and Parole

Recidivism Rate: What are we doing in Alabama? - Dr Stanley Tippins Sr (2023)

General Safety Information for Everyone

Staying Safe In An Unsafe World (March, 2022) - Robert Thetford

Health & Fitness

Police Officer Suicide - Where are we now? - Phillip Calvert (September 15, 2012)

Interview & Interrogation

Interview and Interrogation: A Practical Guide to Obtaining Information, 1st Edition - Lou Harris

Human Lie Detectors - Lou Harris (September 15, 2012)


No More Crimeless Victims - John Mulligan

Psychological and Biological Early Risk Factors of Violence - Stan Tippins

Sales Tax Evasion - Multistate Issues - John Gray (March 4, 2013)

Scholastic Crime Stoppers: Reducing Crime in Our Schools - Susan Moss (October 21, 2012)

Law Enforcement Management & Leadership

First Line Supervision, 2nd Edition

Budgeting Basics for Law Enforcement - R. D. Stuart (September 15, 2012)

Crime and Culture: Challenges Facing Law Enforcement - Lou Harris

Ethics and Public Safety - Stan Tippins

Grant Writing Basics - Therese Ford

Just Deserts and Justice - Stan Tippins

Knowing Your Employees: A Key to Better Supervision - Tommy Carswell & William Messerschmidt

Officers Flying Armed - Lynn Shobe

Perception and Change in Law Enforcement Leadership - Robert Thetford

Preventing Workplace Crime - Robert Thetford

Reducing Law Enforcement Liability - Louis Zook (September 15, 2012)

The New Officer: The NeXt Generation - Tommy Carswell

Legal Issues & Court Decision Summary

Double Jeopardy: When It Applies - John Gray

Should Officers use Written Consent to Search Forms? - Robert Thetford (June 23, 2013)

Police Communications

Police Communications: Tuning Up for Interoperability - Rob Stuart

The Police Communications Officer: Part 1 - Frank Higginbotham

The Police Communications Officer: Part 2 - Effectively Managing Stressors - Frank Higginbotham

The Police Communications Officer: Part 3 - Outline for a PCO Training Program - Frank Higginbotham

Technology & Social Media

Criminal Justice Online Fundamentals

Preparing for Cyberattacks - Robert Thetford

Social Media Survey - R.D. Stuart


A Survey of Terrorism - 2nd Edition

Anthrax Attacks: 4 Reasons for Suspecting a Domestic Terrorist Group - Robert Thetford

FBI's Intelligence Role is Mischaracterized - Richard Pashley

Terrorism: Target Selection and Symbolism - Robert Thetford

Satanism: A Brief Introduction for Law Enforcement Officers - Tina Moon


Instructor Development: An Essential Guide for Understanding and Implementing Law Enforcement Training